Saturday, December 4, 2010

Three of my Favourite Creators in Fabric (a.k.a. I've bought and I love)

Occasionally the drawback of buying online can be that when your much anticipated purchase arrives it's not quite what you expected. This is why today I'm choosing to blog about these 3 artists whose creations I have been overjoyed to hold in my hands.

Mister Finch
Mister Finch is the Tim Burton of my blog roll. When I've had  an overfill of pink and fluffy on my google reader this is my tonic.  I find his creations very unique and I love to see pictures of his work space and work in progress. Finch has been focusing on offline activities for a few months but now is back blogging and I have my fingers crossed he will restock his Etsy shop soon. I'll just warn you that if you have an insect phobia you may wish to hold someones hand whilst perusing his blog.

I discovered Mister Finch via Kickcan and Conkers earlier this year. I was besotted with his intricate creations. Upon visiting his Etsy shop I found I was too late to buy Pickering the Dodo (isn't he amazing!)

and so chose to adopt Dexter the star gazing hare. I have to say I marvel at Dexter. He is so beautifully made. Mister Finch uses vintage items to make his creations. Dexter is fully jointed and has thick wire inside so that I may pose him as I wish (but he does look best as a star gazer).

Handpainted dolls

Many of you may already be familiar with Jennie's fabulous dolls via weekly trips to Kootoyoo's creative space. A gorgeous custom made doll from Jennie was a simple choice for my daughters Christmas present this year.

Jennie was very helpful and easy to work with in choosing colours and fabrics and I love the little vintage accessories which she hunts down to make her dolls even more special. Jennie has an Etsy shop as well as a fantastic flickr gallery where you can view her lovely dolls.

The creator behind Ninon is an Italian lady based in Berlin. She fascinates me in the way she can make wild combinations of fabrics, colours and textures work so well together.

Ninon's blog is fun and every creation in her Etsy shop makes me smile.

I purchased a pencil case for my carving tools not long ago and despite the chaotic state of my work table on some days - I can now always find my carving tools in a split second with this face looking back at me : )

I hope you enjoy visiting these blogs and shops. I feel it's so very important to support fabulous artists of hand made work. These people put so much thought, time, love and energy into their work and I think it's amazing that we have the opportunity to buy work directly from them and encourage them to keep producing fantastic creations.